After seeing The Burning House project featured on a couple of blogs I follow, as well as on The Anthropologist, it got me thinking about making my own. Started by Foster Huntington, the photo project asks one simple question:
"If your house was burning, what would you take with you? It's a conflict between what's practical, valuable and sentimental. What you would take reflects your interests, background and priorities. Think of it as an interview condensed into one question."
At first I honestly couldn't think of too many things I'd be desperate to save. I own a lot of crap, but most of it is superficial and easily replaceable. As I searched and thought, however, I found myself making a pile of stuff that I'd be very sorry to lose--sentimental items that may seem insignificant to others, but are special to me. While picking through my things, I also took into account the things that would be difficult to replace (ie: expensive), as well as the essentials that I'd hate to be without even for one night.
I'm going to preface my list with three items that couldn't make it into the photo: my two cats, Morgan and Mason, and my computer. They are so far at the top of the list, they weren't even worth mentioning. Plus the cats really didn't feel like having their photos taken today. Pair of divas.

1. Keys: My red Toyota Echo may be a vehicular joke, but I love it. Plus that tape measure is a great nervous toy.
2. Pajama pants: cheap purchases from Target and I absolutely love them. I'd spend all day, everyday in them if I could.
3. Favorite CDs: Yeah Yeah Yeahs' Show Your Bones, a selection of Decemberists albums, The Head and the Heart, plus my Lord of the Rings soundtracks.
4. Favorite books: A British copy of Howl's Moving Castle by Dianna Wynne Jones. Old copy of The Hobbit that used to belong to my mother.
5. Replica of the key to Independence Hall in Philadelphia purchased on one of my favorite field trips when I was in fifth grade. I love love love history.
6. Necklace from I've worn it so much that the metal has started to wear off.
7. Pink blanket knitted by my Mom-Mom when I was an infant. This is probably the one irreplaceable thing on this list. It's at the top.
8. My Nook and Nook Color. All of my books can burn (except for a few) as long as I can read them on my e-readers.
9. Nero Wolfe DVD collection. I limited myself to one DVD for this, since they're easily replaceable. Coming in a close second: Simon Schama's A History of Britain.
10. Little replica container I got from the gift shop at the House of Seven Gables while on my favorite vacation of all time. It also holds my hair tie collection. God forbid my hair touches the back of my neck while my house is burning down.
11. My glasses, because I really hate squinting all the time.
12. My iPod, which holds some of my favorite albums that I don't own CD copies of: Basia Bulat's Heart of My Own and the Decemberists' The Crane Wife.
13. Box of bobby pins.
14. Soulless by Gail Carriger, another favorite book.
15. July 2008 Anthropologie catalog. This thing has a ridiculous amount of sentimental value for me.
16. Celtic knot ring bought at a Renaissance festival. My best friend has a matching one.
17. Yellow scarf that I knitted myself.
18. Anthropologie scarf. It's so 'me'.
19. Wallet--a gift from my best friend. She knows my taste so well.
I like this idea. I might swipe it. :)
ReplyDeleteHey, I totally swiped it. You can post your photos on the website, but I decided not to since my photo is in really crap quality. :\
ReplyDeleteIt's an interesting exercise, though.